The Name of the Magazine Is...

  StageLife. I've named my magazine, WOW! super exciting. It's simple but specfic and exactly what I imagined. It brings all the little things I wanted for the title into account. For example:

1. I wanted the title to have a nice ring to it, like "I can't wait for the new issue of StageLife!"
2. I wanted it to sound good with the word "magazine" following after it. (StageLife Magazine)
3. I wanted it to be able to represent the performing arts without being to specific to one art form.
4. I wanted it also to represent the social and personal aspect of the arts.

 By combining the words stage and life, you get everything I just listed above. The definition of stage is a raised floor or platform, typically in a theater, on which actors, entertainers, or speakers perform. While the definition of life is a corresponding state, existence, or principle of existence conceived of as belonging to the soul. When you put these two together it creates a definiton of an existence belonging to the soul on a platform used for artistic entertainers. StageLife is a magazine that symbolizes just that. A magazine that focuses on the perfoming arts and allows its readers to obtain a social insight into the world of the arts. This magazine's purpose is to spark a performing art interest into anyone and help keep the spark alive for those already interested. With a fun title such as StageLife how could a reader not want to pick it up and give it a look. 



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