Let the Brain Storm!

    Aloha! My name is Juliette Faye Thoni and welcome to my blog. Within these blog posts you will get  the behind the scenes look into my thoughts and research while creating this magazine. At this point in time my first step is to decide on a magazine genre. Well there are major factors that play a role in this decision so how about we consider them:
Factors in deciding on Magazine Genre: 
- Intriguing genre
- I have to be passionate about it
- Ideal photos have to be attainable
- Not easy, but most definitely not difficult; a good CHALLENGE!
These factors already knock-out multiple options. I stink at cooking, so there's no way i'd focus on that. My fashion sense is limited to T-shirts and jeans, so a style magazine would interest few. Also the closest I've ever gotten to sports is when I was ten and played baseball for a couple of months but a ball hit me in the mouth and I chose to quit due to finding the game repetitive to run the same bases over and over again while others chase a tiny white ball. So I'd rather not attempt to create the next sports illustrate, for everyone's sake.
   Since now I've decided on what NOT to do, let's start thinking about what I could possibly do. Just like trying to figure what I will major in college, I need to list the things I like and see what I can pull from there.
Things I Rather Enjoy:
-T.V./ Movies
Not much to choose a college major out of, but a magazine might work. I can make a visual art magazine with my photos, or a readers guide into the great shows and movies -- maybe even music -- what's new in pop culture or what's the best. For travel, I can make a magazine that comes out with a different country for each monthly issue. Maybe use my photos from my trip to Ireland and make an Ireland edition. I can also merge dance and theatre into a performing arts magazine. For primary resource in that genre, I can go to my old studio and ask to photograph a show rehearsal or call up my old dancer friends and see if they'll allow me to shoot them. While I sleep on these options, I will come back with my next blog post with a decision. Thanks for the brainstorming platform, blogging off.



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