Article Topics.

   Now that I don't have to worry about the photos anymore, because I have plenty, I can focus on the writing aspect. I've never considered being a writer or a journalist, actually to be honest I've never been good at it. When I was younger I think my mom and mom-mom (grandma) really wanted me to be one when they read a short story I wrote that was the exact synopsis of the 1977 film Pete's Dragon. But I've always opposed writing, claiming it hurt my hand to much and drained my creativity. When it comes down to it though, it's because I'm just truly no good at it. I write poorly, my essays in every class have only ever been average. Only once in seventh grade did I ever write an essay that exceeded even my own expectations. It was for my science class, Mrs.Blumberg, we had to write a fictional story for a type of spider including actual facts and information. I created a dramatic story about the black widow spider that ate all her children and killed every husband until she was tricked my a male black widow who killed her in the end. Oddly enough that was my best writing yet, I've aways actually found myself better in the poetry department in the writing warehouse. My mom always used poetry as her diary outlet, she lets out all her feelings into deep emotional poems and defiantly passed that down to me. But for this magazine, I feel none of that is going to help. I really want to do as well as I can so I want to decide on an article topic soon, start writing, and have it proofread as many times as possible. I will be so embarrassed if the the article is the weak part of my magazine. So here it goes: 

Article Topic Ideas: 
  1. Inside the Life of Izzy: a teenage dancer tells about her life and the juggling of school and dance
  2. An article on my old performing arts studio, with information on teachers, students, and classes
  3. Behind the scenes of a community musical including rehearsals and the casting process
  I feel as though the article about Izzy will be the best bet because I already have some awesome photos of her and I already know she'd be willing to sit down and answer some of my questions. I will like to talk to a few people first before I fully commit to that topic so until next time! I will look over these ideas I've discussed and maybe find a more creative topic that will really intrigue me and my potential target audience. Blogging off for now! 


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