Decision Decided.

    Hola! So i've come to my final conclusion. I will be creating a performing arts magazine. TA-DA!  I already have found a few dancers who are willing to let me photograph them, and I'm sure my old studio will be pleased to hear that i've taken interest in documenting their shows. I'm really excited to begin this process, so i'd like to first start out with a outline of the main things I need to get done first for the magazine.

Performing Arts Magazine:
-Need a Title
-Photographs of dancers (Emily, Izzy, Kellie, and Amy)
-Photographs of shows (Fame and Throughly Modern Millie)
-Article Topic

After these are done or at least established, I can put all the pieces together. Creating a layout and a color scheme with all the little knitt-picky details. I want this magazine's purpose to be an entertaining and informative guide for all who are interested in the fine arts. This magazine will hopefully also be creative and intriguing enough to those who don't normally partake in the performing arts industry as well. So i'm going to pour all my creativity into this project and hopefully come out with an awesome product! My next step is to research other magazines of this category and the genre itself. My next blog with contain some of my research that I will use as preparation for this project. Blogging off.


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